CApprox | |
Cas< T > | |
CAssertionHandler | |
CAssertionInfo | |
CAssertionReaction | |
CCapturer | |
CCasedString | |
CCaseSensitive | |
CCatch_global_namespace_dummy | |
CChebSeries< len > | |
CCounts | |
CDecomposer | |
CEnumInfo | |
►Cexception | STL class |
CGeneratorException | |
CExceptionTranslatorRegistrar | |
CExprLhs< LhsT > | |
►Cfalse_type | |
Calways_false< T > | |
►Cis_range_impl< T, typename > | |
Cis_range< T > | |
CFolderADAA< pts > | |
►CGeneratorUntypedBase | |
►CIGenerator< Float > | |
CRandomFloatingGenerator< Float > | |
►CIGenerator< std::vector< T > > | |
CChunkGenerator< T > | |
►CIGenerator< Integer > | |
CRandomIntegerGenerator< Integer > | |
►CIGenerator< T > | |
CFilterGenerator< T, Predicate > | |
CFixedValuesGenerator< T > | |
CGenerators< T > | |
CIteratorGenerator< T > | |
CMapGenerator< T, U, Func > | |
CRangeGenerator< T > | |
CRepeatGenerator< T > | |
CSingleValueGenerator< T > | |
CTakeGenerator< T > | |
CGeneratorWrapper< T > | |
CGeneratorWrapper< U > | |
►CIContext | |
CIMutableContext | |
CIExceptionTranslator | |
CIExceptionTranslatorRegistry | |
CIGeneratorTracker | |
CIMutableEnumValuesRegistry | |
CIMutableRegistryHub | |
CIRegistryHub | |
CIResultCapture | |
CIRunner | |
Cis_callable< T > | |
Cis_callable_tester | |
CIsStreamInsertable< T > | |
CIStream | |
CITestCaseRegistry | |
►CITestInvoker | |
CTestInvokerAsMethod< C > | |
►CITransientExpression | |
CBinaryExpr< LhsT, RhsT > | |
CMatchExpr< ArgT, MatcherT > | |
CUnaryExpr< LhsT > | |
CLazyExpression | |
CLUTBase< NP, F > | |
►CMatcherMethod< ObjectT > | |
CMatcherBase< double > | |
CMatcherBase< std::string > | |
CMatcherBase< std::vector< T, AllocMatch > > | |
CMatcherBase< std::vector< T, Alloc > > | |
►CMatcherBase< ArgT > | |
CMatchAllOf< ArgT > | |
CMatchAnyOf< ArgT > | |
CMatchNotOf< ArgT > | |
CMatcherBase< std::exception > | |
►CMatcherMethod< T > | |
►CMatcherBase< T > | |
CExceptionMessageMatcher | |
CWithinAbsMatcher | |
CWithinRelMatcher | |
CWithinUlpsMatcher | |
CPredicateMatcher< T > | |
CRegexMatcher | |
►CStringMatcherBase | |
CContainsMatcher | |
CEndsWithMatcher | |
CEqualsMatcher | |
CStartsWithMatcher | |
CApproxMatcher< T, AllocComp, AllocMatch > | |
CContainsElementMatcher< T, Alloc > | |
CContainsMatcher< T, AllocComp, AllocMatch > | |
CEqualsMatcher< T, AllocComp, AllocMatch > | |
CUnorderedEqualsMatcher< T, AllocComp, AllocMatch > | |
►CMatcherUntypedBase | |
CMatcherBase< double > | |
CMatcherBase< std::string > | |
CMatcherBase< std::vector< T, AllocMatch > > | |
CMatcherBase< std::vector< T, Alloc > > | |
CMatcherBase< ArgT > | |
CMatcherBase< std::exception > | |
CMatcherBase< T > | |
CMessageInfo | |
►CMessageStream | |
CMessageBuilder | |
CNameAndTags | |
►CNonCopyable | |
CAutoReg | |
CIConfig | |
CReusableStringStream | |
CSection | |
COption< T > | |
Cpluralise | |
CQuadWaveshaperState | |
CRegistrarForTagAliases | |
CResultDisposition | |
CResultWas | |
CRunTests | |
CScopedMessage | |
CSectionEndInfo | |
CSectionInfo | |
CShowDurations | |
CSimplePcg32 | |
CSourceLineInfo | |
CStreamEndStop | |
CStringMaker< T, typename > | |
CStringMaker< bool > | |
CStringMaker< Catch::Detail::Approx > | |
CStringMaker< char * > | |
CStringMaker< char > | |
CStringMaker< char const * > | |
CStringMaker< char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< double > | |
CStringMaker< float > | |
CStringMaker< int > | |
CStringMaker< long > | |
CStringMaker< long long > | |
CStringMaker< R C::* > | |
CStringMaker< R, typename std::enable_if< is_range< R >::value &&!::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable< R >::value >::type > | |
CStringMaker< signed char > | |
CStringMaker< signed char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< std::nullptr_t > | |
CStringMaker< std::string > | |
CStringMaker< std::wstring > | |
CStringMaker< T * > | |
CStringMaker< T[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned char[SZ]> | |
CStringMaker< unsigned int > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long > | |
CStringMaker< unsigned long long > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t * > | |
CStringMaker< wchar_t const * > | |
CStringRef | A non-owning string class (similar to the forthcoming std::string_view) Note that, because a StringRef may be a substring of another string, it may not be null terminated |
►Ctest | |
Cis_callable< Fun(Args...)> | |
►CTestCaseInfo | |
CTestCase | |
CTestFailureException | |
CTimer | |
CTotals | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Ctrue_given< typename > | |
CUseColour | |
CWaitForKeypress | |
CWarnAbout | |
CWaveshaperTables | Lookup table for waveshapers |