Current build: NIGHTLY-2025-03-17-3f5d814 built at 2025-03-17 17:23:54 UTC
You can always find the latest nightly release in every available format here, but for convenience, direct download links for our most popular platforms are below.
Linux Users can also find a nightly build for a wide variety of distributions and architectures (including aarch64 for you Raspberry Pi types) at our Open Build Service provided build of surge-xt-nightly
Note that the direct links can break for 90-120 seconds while we are releasing a new build, but the all formats link is always valid.
The draft changelog can be found here.
Testing the beta is how the release gets good, though! We need and welcome your feedback, either on GitHub or Discord.
Please take a moment to understand the nightlies. We automatically build Surge XT on all our platforms with every commit to our main branch. This means the code you are about to download may be minutes old. Depending on the pace of development at Surge Synth Team, the code could contain bugs, new features which don’t work, and may even end up making patches that future Surge versions load differently, incorrectly, or not at all.
Our minimum advice if you use a nightly is to use a limiter on the output. We have made DSP errors in the nightlies before which created nasty clicks and pops, in worst cases sudden blasts of noise.
But despite the above warning, we work really hard to have the nightlies be great. Most of Surge Synth Team runs the nightly in their music-making environment, and the software is generally stable and robust. Also, using the nightly, finding a bug, and letting us know is how bugs get fixed. For more on that, learn how to contact us with questions and comments.